Why are the Nejdomény services advantageous for you?
- 30 days free trial period (not binding) - order
- we reward loyal customers with significant discounts
- promotional prices of web hosting services
- other bonuses for every customer
50% eTarget credit increase or ad campaign of 20€ value for free
Zviditeľnite Váš web na najnavštevovanejších slovenských portáloch (,,,, a mnoho ďalších).
K objednávke webhostingu Vám pribalíme kupón na 50 % zo zaplateného kreditu v systéme Etarget navyše zadarmo alebo kupón na reklamu v hodnote 20 €.
WebMaker Lite - (100€ licence) for free
Make your own website!
Gone are the days when website creation was the realm of only a narrow circle of enthusiasts. With a good website editor, web development is now a breeze for everyone.
Take advantage of the revolutionary WebMaker®
Each web hosting package includes one year free use of the professional online website editor WebMaker® Lite!
Unique ISWID editor
ISWID is an abbreviation of "I see what I’m doing" - and this 100% applies to the WebMaker® editor.
Ingeniously simple
You do not need to know anything about programming or creating websites. All modifications to your site are directly applied, so that all the time you see what you are adding, deleting or changing. The results are immediately visible.
Every customer with prepaid Minimum, Optimum or Maximum gets WebMaker Lite licence (with value 100€) free of charge.
Let's stay in touch: WebHouse on Facebook